Tips – Business Directory SEO Submit your link for free Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:55:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips – Business Directory SEO 32 32 200644509 Golden Digital Marketing Tips Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:55:26 +0000 Golden Digital Marketing Tips [ad_1] There is no denying the fact that the future of marketing is digital. While many

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Golden Digital Marketing Tips

[ad_1] There is no denying the fact that the future of marketing is digital. While many business owners know of digital marketing, many of them don’t know how to go about it. The few that execute it, do it the wrong way. To help you out, here are marketing tips that will help you succeed:

Make use of social media

Almost everyone is using social media platforms: Facebook, Linkedln, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and Google+. By properly making use the platforms you will not only save much of your marketing budget, you will also have the ability of reaching millions of your target customers.

To be successful on social media you need to be regular and consistent. There is no way you will build a voice if you post once a week or a month.

While it’s recommended that you post regularly, you shouldn’t over do it. Social media experts recommend that you should post 5 times a day on Twitter, 5-10 times a week on Facebook, and once a day on Google+ and Linkedln.

When posting, remember that it’s not about you-it’s about your customers and followers. Many businesses make the mistake of posting only promotional products. This will not only head you to nowhere, it will also result to loss of followers (potential customers).

The best way of going about it is mixing valuable information (that adds value to your followers) and a little bit of promotional information. Remember: to keep your followers you need to provide value.

Create high quality content

Mediocre content has no place in digital marketing. In addition to being valuable, the content also needs to be unique. This calls for you to provide information that your competitors are providing.

The current trends have been the use of videos, animations and inforgraphics. Ensure that they are of high quality and different. If you can’t produce them yourself, hire a professional to help you out.

You can hire an agency to help you out, but if you are strapped for cash, use freelance sites such as Elance, Fiverr and freelancer. These sites have plenty of talented professionals that will give you great content at affordable prices.


As mentioned, digital marketing is the future and you need to start learning the ropes now. Heed the above tips and you will definitely be a marketing success. If you are busy and don’t have time to undertake marketing yourself, hire a professional to help you out.

Source by Omkar Nath Nandi

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Top 10 Tips To Improve Insurance Agency SEO Wed, 18 Jan 2023 09:27:48 +0000 Top 10 Tips To Improve Insurance Agency SEO [ad_1] Effective insurance agency search engine optimization can help drive traffic to

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Top 10 Tips To Improve Insurance Agency SEO

[ad_1] Effective insurance agency search engine optimization can help drive traffic to your website, generate inbound leads, and increase the health and credibility of your insurance website. Let’s review these top 10 tips when it comes to improving your insurance agency search engine optimization.

  • Know Your Keyword Phrases

Keywords, which are technically keyword phrases, are short three to five word phrases your prospects might use when looking for insurance products and services. For example, Ohio business insurance, Charlotte employee benefits, and New Jersey truck insurance, are all keyword phrases potentially applicable to your agency. To create a list of these phrases, there are many free tools and techniques your agency can use. For example, Google AdWords and Keyword Planner will help you determine the number of searches, by phrase, for your preferred keyword phrases. It will also recommend similar phrases for you to consider. There are many other free and paid tools, including Moz Keyword Explorer and SEOBook Keyword Tool.

  • Review Other Insurance Agency Websites

Many agencies and brokers don’t do a great job with insurance search engine optimization (insurance SEO). That said, it can be still helpful to investigate other insurance agency websites to see if your agency can glean keyword phrase ideas. To do this, simply navigate to another agency website in your state and View Page Source, and search (Ctrl F) for meta. Or you can install a free tool bar from Moz or SEOBook to make this process simpler.

  • Social Bookmarking and Google URL Submission

Once your agency has optimized your website for SEO, make sure you submit any unranked pages to Google using the Google Webmaster Tool – Submit URL. And, to better ensure your pages will get ranked, add them to prominent social media platforms including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+.

  • Keyword Phrases in Titles and Subtitles

Creating titles and subtitles on a web page that includes your preferred keywords will help search bots and human readers more readily scan your content. If they find relevant keywords in your subtitles, they are more likely to read the entire article.

  • Alt Image Tags and Header Tags

The title for a page appears on the search engine results page. The main header will appear when viewers open the page, similar to a headline in a magazine or newspaper article. Focus each web page on a specific topic and keyword phrase. Your title and header will be indexed by the search engine and seen by prospects. It will increase the chance viewers will open your article instead of an alternate article. Make sure you limit each page to a maximum of three keyword phrases. Both your prospects and the search bots will be looking for well organized, focused content, so keep your content streamlined and relevant.

  • Dynamic Content Not Duplicate Content

Search engine like to see new content as their search bots scan your insurance agency site. Adding dynamic content with a blog, video, and article publishing will help your insurance search engine optimization efforts. Make sure your website isn’t using boilerplate, duplicate content. If you purchased a site from a vendor that offers boilerplate content, rewrite all your content, as rapidly as possible, or your rankings will suffer the consequences.

  • Word Density

When it comes to word density, you should repeat your phrase, a reasonable number of times. There are many opinions on word density, ranging from 4% to over 10%. In general, a simple rule should be, when reading your content, it should read well for your website visitors first, and search engines second. Beware of “keyword stuffing”. When writing a page, focus on the topic, not the keyword phrase. When following this process, I find my keyword density is usually in the 5% to 8% range. For example, if you are writing about Florida flood insurance, it’s fine to repeat that phrase 4 or 5 times in 150 words, but not 10 times. You should include the phrase in your page name, page title, description and as header tags as discussed prior.

  • Boldface, Italics, Underline, Links

It’s good to boldface, italicize or underline your keyword phrases, but do so within a reasonable writing context on your pages. Links can also be helpful, linking to other pages within your website, or conversely, linking from other pages to your preferred pages. Don’t confuse this process with “link building” schemes. Many agencies were led astray with SEO link building scams, such as link farms. Any external links to your insurance agency site should come from high quality, relevant sites.

  • Insurance Videos

Website visitors are 80% more likely to watch video then read your content, and search engines weight webpages that contain videos. And if your video has a longer view time than other websites in the same search results then your rankings cam improve even more.

  • SEO Tracking

There are tons of tools available for tracking insurance search engine optimization. Many are free, most are inexpensive. From Moz, to SEOBook, to WebCEO, your agency can pick from dozens of highly functional choices. That said, you’ll need to learn the tool you select, and run and measure the reports on a consistent (monthly should suffice) basis. And it goes without saying, that every agency should have Google Analytics loaded on their website, to track general traffic, traffic patterns, search engine referrals, and social media referrals to their website.


Source by Alan Blume

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Tips for SEO Copywriting Sat, 14 Jan 2023 19:13:43 +0000 Tips for SEO Copywriting [ad_1] What is SEO copywriting? SEO copywriting/professional copywriting, also known as Writing for Search Engines, is

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Tips for SEO Copywriting

[ad_1] What is SEO copywriting? SEO copywriting/professional copywriting, also known as Writing for Search Engines, is a new kind of writing, which implies writing contents in a web-friendly manner! Search Engine Copywriting is, in fact, a re-writing process of existing ‘creatively written’ copy. In simple words, keyword based writing is called SEO copy writing. But it doesn’t mean that SEO writing is mere an attempt to insert several disjointed; thesaurus-sounding keywords into the copy just to make it rank high in search engines. Search engines like Google, and Yahoo!, always spam contents overstuffed with keywords. So, while planning for search engine copywriting, you need to take care of the density of keyword usage in contents.
Search engine copywriting is different from other copywriting because it is written for both search engines as well as human surfers. However, SEO copywriting is not extremely difficult but little complicated. Given below are some tips to write professional copywriting for SEO.
Know Your Keyword Before You Start Professional Copywriting: If you know which key phrases you are optimizing the page; it becomes much easier for you to deliver SEO copywriting services. As you begin to write, include key phrases all the way through your body copy, not just in the first paragraph. For best results, focus your copy on only two or three primary keywords. Click here to download the tool for keyword analysis.
Frequency of Key Phrases for SEO copywriting: How often should you use key phrases? There is a “3% guideline” that states 3% of your words should be keywords. However, this is JUST a guideline. Don’t kill yourself to achieve a 3% ratio. Remember, your copy has to sell as well as attract the engines’ attention. Don’t ruin perfectly good copy by forcing keywords where they just don’t fit. So, take care of frequency of key words, while planning for search engine copywriting. In order to check the keyword density of your web page, free download here.
Must Know What the Web Site Is All About: Before starting SEO copywriting, you must know the target audience of the website. Once you know your target audience; you know your keywords; now put the two together to create compelling, search-engine-friendly copy. For example, if your website offers web development & designing services, target keywords accordingly.
Optimized Text-Length on Page: It is advisable to have sufficient text on your home page and important section pages for effective search engine copywriting. Search engines like to see between 250 to 500 words of text on a page to assess its keyword relevance. Let the beginning of the page text contain your important keywords. Some search engines do not read deep in your page. As such, it becomes important that they read your initial text with the keywords. Avoid placing links in images. Search engines cannot read images.
Professional copywriting Using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS or Cascading Style Sheet is a style sheet language that allows you to tell a browser how to present your page. CSS can be used to control text formatting, thus maintaining the visual appeal of the text in headings. This separates the presentation style of the documents from the content, hence simplifying site maintenance. This includes specifications regarding the kind of font to be used, spacing, color, margin, border etc. Want to learn more about CSS, click here.

Search Engine copywriting for Meta Tags: Meta Tags are used to communicate information to the search engine crawlers that a human visitor may not be concerned with. It should be noted that, Meta Tags in HTML are not necessary while making your web pages but SEO-wise; they can be a great help. Owing to its easy manipulation by webmasters, some Meta Tags (Keywords, Title, and Description) have lost the importance they enjoyed till some years ago. There are tools available, which automatically generate meta tags. Click here to download the tool.

Source by Munaz Anjum

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